Webinar: Applying a Racial Equity Lens to Policies, Advocacy, and Service Provision to End Hunger

Available now! Watch the recording of Learning “HOW” to Apply a Racial Equity to Policies, Advocacy, Programs and Service Provision to End Hunger, co-hosted by Closing the Hunger Gap and Bread for the World, featuring Marlysa D. Gambin. Ms. Gambin, lead author on the report, Applying Racial Equity to U.S. Federal Nutrition Assistance Programs: SNAP, WIC and Child Nutrition by Bread for the World, walks listeners through how structural racism makes people of color more likely to experience hunger or poverty.  She also discusses how anti-hunger organizations can apply a racial equity lens to begin to dismantle embedded structures of racial inequity.


Looking for more? Check out these resources on understanding and applying a racial equity lens to your work: