Network News: July 2014
Closing the Hunger Gap Network News
Exciting things are happening in the space where food banking and community food security intersect. Here’s a snapshot of what’s been happening in the last few months and how to plug in to the Closing the Hunger Gap Network.
Action Hubs
At the Closing the Hunger Gap conference in Tucson in September 2013 we shared stories and practical tools related to community food security, and committed to specific actions to move our organizations towards our collective vision in the coming year. We are now organizing into Action Hubs to coordinate our actions. Email us to get involved.
Food Bank Health Alliance
The Food Banks of Santa Barbara County, Santa Cruz County, and Ventura County formed an alliance under the mission to jointly seek health-related federal funding, with the shared values of good nutrition, community empowerment, impact evaluation, and cooperation. Read more about how the Health Alliance works and food banks’ role in public health on Erik Talkin’s blog. This serves as a great model for regional partnerships, and addresses one of our network’s Action Hubs: Position Food Banks as Public Health Institutions.
Community Organizing Training for Food Bankers
Are you a community organizer at your food bank or pantry, or would benefit from learning and sharing community organizing best practices? Leaders in the Community Organizing and Social Justice action hub are planning a two day training for early 2015 to share best practices and strategies for our work. Specific date and location to be announced.
Contact Leona at [email protected] if you would like to learn more.
Community Food Systems on HungerNet
Feeding America just launched a new site within HungerNet, specifically dedicated to community food systems work. In addition, Feeding America’s Collaborating for Clients (C4C) Affinity Group has been meeting monthly by phone to highlight food banks in the network addressing poverty in innovative ways.